To explore the elements of QI interventions and determine which o

To explore the elements of QI interventions and determine which of these contribute to their impact, we will use content analysis of the overall QI interventions identified. We will also create taxonomies selleck products of HF QI interventions and their elements and build definitions for each. To do this, two investigators will independently review the description of the overall extracted QI intervention and document its components (eg, telemonitoring, education, prompts) according to who each of the components was delivered by and to which target (eg, education delivered by a study nurse to patients) it was delivered,

as well as the frequency and duration of the intervention component (eg, transmission of telemonitored data once per day for 6 months). We will also classify QI interventions into logical categories (eg, disease management interventions).

If there are discrepancies between reviewers for documenting this information, we will use group consensus among our team to finalise QI categories, interventions and their components. Discussion and dissemination The findings of this scoping review will be used to determine which elements should comprise a QI intervention aimed at facilitating the transition of newly admitted patients with HF back into the community. In particular, we will identify the specific components of QI interventions that contribute to their impact. We will use different knowledge translation (KT) strategies to ensure that findings from this scoping review are broadly disseminated to the right audiences. These strategies will include publications in open-access, peer-reviewed journals as well as presentation of our work at relevant cardiology and HF conferences (eg, American Heart Association, American College of

Cardiology). As part of a more active KT strategy, we will also plan a meeting with our key stakeholders (ie, clinicians, researchers, decision-makers and people with HF) to discuss the findings, to generate key messages most relevant to each, and to discuss the next steps including the development of a QI intervention that will address current gaps in care. Supplementary Material Author’s manuscript: Click Brefeldin_A here to view.(1.2M, pdf) Reviewer comments: Click here to view.(132K, pdf) Footnotes Contributors: DSL conceived the study. DSL, MK and SS conceived the study design. MK and DSL helped draft the protocol. LP developed and executed the search strategy. All authors edited the draft protocol, and read and approved the final manuscript. Funding: This research was supported through a grant from the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network. Dr Lee is supported by a clinician-scientist award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Competing interests: None. Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

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