43, 57, 63 2. To allow for allocating resources fairly between present and future generations Jabareen 2008; WCED 1987, pp. 45/46 3. To allow distributing costs and benefits of Alvespimycin development equitably among the present and future generations Brown Weiss 1989; WCED 1987, p. 46 On a project level, sustainability conceptions or visions may represent context specific interpretations of a general definition. However, even when relating to the same issue, interpretations of sustainable development can vary considerably because people’s opinions about where to go or what to strive for can differ strongly, even fundamentally.
According to Jacobs, (1999) this plurality of possible meanings in a particular case is due to sustainable development being a so-called contestable political concept (Gallie 1956). Contested 4SC-202 datasheet concepts such as democracy or fairness include, on the one hand, a general Enzalutamide or abstract level of meaning which is “unitary but vague”, as well as, on the other hand, a specific or concrete level of meaning featuring a number of plural and contested interpretations (Jacobs 1999, 25). Whereas the abstract level of meaning corresponds to a general, mostly broadly approved, definition like that promoted by the Brundtland Commission, the plurality of context specific, more concrete
interpretations are to be attributed to the specific level of meaning. This implies that, when it comes to concrete cases, sustainability conceptions can be shaped in various—equally reasonable—ways. Thus, at the project level, what development to strive for is not self-evident but requires a normative decision. If this decision is to be made in accordance with the Brundtland report, it should be the result of participatory negotiation processes yielding visions and goals that are ideally shared by the various relevant actor and stakeholder groups and serve the common good. In other words, reflecting these people’s perspectives, understandings and views is a necessary
condition for serving the common good: “The law alone cannot enforce the common interest. It principally needs community Baricitinib knowledge and support, which entails greater public participation in the decisions that affect the environment” (WCED 1987, 63). Relevant actors and stakeholders can be identified by looking for people who have power and interests (Mitchell et al. 1997) as well as expertise related to an issue (Collins and Evans 2002; Enengel et al. 2012; Thompson and Scoones 2009; Wynne 1991). Adequate sustainability conceptions are thus, on the one hand, visions, notions, ideals or sets of goals that serve the general core objectives of sustainable development while not having any unacceptable negative implications on any of these objectives. On the other hand, adequate sustainability conceptions reflect the perspectives of the relevant actors and stakeholders.