This was also reported by Li et al [14], who confirmed that rain

This was also reported by Li et al. [14], who confirmed that rainfed conditions enhance the formation of large GMP particles relative Doramapimod datasheet to small ones, resulting in higher GMP volumes and surface area distributions in the wheat grains. Our data showed that rainfed conditions improved the HMW-GS content and was favorable to the accumulation of GMP large particles, and there was a significant positive correlation between HMW-GS

content and percent volume of GMP particles > 100 μm (Table 4). It may be concluded that rainfed conditions promote the formation of large GMP particles through enhanced accumulation of HMW-GS. It also confirmed the results of Zhu and Khan [22] showing that environment significantly affected the percentages of total HMW glutenin subunits and individual HMW glutenin subunits from both SDS-soluble and SDS-insoluble glutenin polymers, which in turn affected the size distribution of glutenin polymers. The results indicate PS-341 mw that the water regime affected the formation of GMP aggregates by increasing the concentration of HMW-GS. The content of HMW-GS and GMP, and GMP particle size in cultivars Jinan 17, Yannong 24 and Lumai 21, were increased under rainfed conditions, but the increase in the strong gluten wheat Shiluan 02-1 was less than in

the others. Previous studies showed that the subunit pair 1Bx7 + 1By8 was more sensitive to N application and water deficit [14] and [23]. Butow et al. proposed that the 643 bp insertion mafosfamide in the DNA matrix attachment region of 1Bx7

alleles increased transcriptional efficiency [24]. This indicates that the subunit components in genotypes may be responsible for the different responses to water treatments. Shiluan 02-1 contained HMW-GS 1Bx7 + 1By9, whereas other wheat cultivars contained 1Bx7 + 1By8. As a result, Shiluan 02-1 was probably less affected by environmental factors than other genotypes. Compared to irrigated treatment, the rainfed treatment promoted the accumulation of HMW-GS, and increased the proportion of large-size particles of GMP in wheat grains. However, the lower soil moisture also resulted in an apparent reduction in grain yield (data not shown). This is consistent with previous studies that reduced wheat yield under water stress conditions was mainly due to reduction in starch accumulation [25]. To manage wheat yield and quality, water treatment should be one of the important factors to be considered. Wheat grain produced under rainfed conditions had higher accumulations of HMW-GS and GMP, and also increased percent volumes and surface areas of large GMP particles, especially in cultivars Yannong 24, Jinan 17 and Lumai 21. This indicates that grain quality was affected by different water regimes. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.

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