The increase in channel slope, a metric of channel adjustment, leads to an increase in the shear stress available to transport sediment between an initial time (t1) when Robinson Creek was near the elevation of the current terrace surface and the present time (t2) with Robinson Creek characterized by incision. Assuming that Venetoclax cost grain size distributions are similar at t1 and t2, using Eqs. (1) and (2) shows that the transport
capacity increased by about 22% and using equation 3 shows that the excess shear stress increased by 24% between t1 and t2. During the three-year period between 2005 and 2008, two segments of this reach showed significant changes in bed elevation (Fig. 11) in two locations. Downstream of Lambert Lane bridge, the thalweg lowered up to 0.7 m; in contrast, downstream of the Mountain View Road bridge, near the confluence with Anderson Creek, the thalweg aggraded up to 0.7 m. The sediment eroded from the channel in the zone Tenofovir supplier that incised during the 2006 flood was likely transported downstream and deposited at the mouth of Robinson Creek—indicating spatial variability in geomorphic response to the same environmental
forcing factor. Changes in other portions of the study reach were less pronounced during this short period. The Robinson Creek case study illustrates the challenge of attribution of incision to a single extrinsic cause such as tectonic, climatic, or landuse changes. Tectonics is not considered a factor in the active incision of Robinson Creek; however,
climate variability and anthropogenic landuse changes are linked over similar temporal and spatial scales and it is difficult to separate their effects. Historical rain gage and paleo-records document that climate variability is a factor characterizing California’s north coastal region that operated before the “Anthropocene,” and it contributed to the landscape template the Euro-Americans encountered before agriculture, grazing, and logging activities began in Anderson Valley. However, oral histories indicate that incision and bank erosion in Robinson Creek occur during decadal floods, suggesting that California’s characteristic climate variability Diflunisal facilitates incision processes. Nonetheless, because climate variability governed the region before the landuse-transformation of Anderson Valley, we hypothesize that anthropogenic disturbances were likely significant in initiating incision processes in Robinson Creek. Determining the validity of this assertion depends on the extent to which the timing for the initiation of incision can be accurately established. This task is a challenge in an ungagged watershed with limited consistent quantitative historical bed elevation measurements. Repetitive bridge cross section data from Anderson Creek (which represents the baselevel for Robinson Creek) suggest that incision of almost a meter has occurred since 1960.