The clinical impact was assessed by analyzing the number of patie

The clinical impact was assessed by analyzing the number of patients with subsequent clinical interventions, ref 1 and the number and type of interventions performed in each patient. Incidental findings were classified as true or false positive on the basis of the diagnostic work-up and as beneficial or unnecessary for the patient. Data were collected from radiological reports, medical charts, laboratory data and the results of subsequent diagnostic procedures. Information was collected from the hospital��s computerized medical charts and radiology information system. In patients referred from other hospitals, referrals and medical charts were collected from the department in charge of treatment. Ethics The study was approved by the local ethics committee of Southern Denmark and the Danish Data Protection Agency.

In a few patients diagnostic work-up was performed at other hospitals, and prior to collecting these data, patients gave informed consent. Imaging technique Scans were carried out with an Intera 1.5T MRI system with a 5 element Syn-body coil (Philips Medical Systems, Eindhoven, The Netherlands). The evening before the examination, patients were instructed to eat a light meal and fast overnight. They were allowed to drink water prior to the examination. Patients received 1000 mL water mixed with psyllium husk fiber ingested gradually over one hour. Patients were examined in the supine position. The protocol contained the sequences Cor T1 (TR/TE, 7/3.4; flip angel 15; slice thickness 4 mm; 208 matrix; FOV 375), Cor T2 (B-FFE; TR/TE, 4.1/2.

0 ms; flip angle, 60; slice thickness 5 mm; 224 matrix; FOV 400), Cor SPIR (TR/TE, 3000/125 ms; flip angel 90; slice thickness 7 mm; 256 matrix; FOV 400) and axial T1W (TR/TE, 7/3.4; flip angel 15; slice thickness 4 mm; 208 matrix; FOV 375) with discontinuous breath-hold before and after contrast. Gadodiamide 0.1 mmol/kg (GE Healthcare, Medical Diagnostics, Oslo, Norway) was given intravenously, and hyoscinbutylbromide 20 mg (Buscopan, Boehringer Ingelheim, Basel, Switzerland) was administered to reduce peristalsis during the procedure. All images were evaluated using an Impax PACS workstation (Agfa, Mortsel, Belgium) with 2 Coronis monitors (1600 �� 1200 pixels) (Megapixels Diagnostic Display System, Barco, Kortijk, Belgium). Radiologists performing the studies were all specialist doctors with experience in abdominal MRI techniques.

Classification of scans MRI-enterographies were classified according to the most important incidental finding. Lesions were assessed as proposed by Zalis et al[15] for computed tomography (CT) colonography. E0 is an examination in which technical factors severely Entinostat limit evaluation, e.g. because of artifacts. E1 denotes a normal examination or variants in anatomy that are not expected to affect the patient��s health status. E2 refers to examinations with clinically unimportant extra-intestinal findings.

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