Methods: We analysed the expression of mRNA and miRNA related to fibrosis, inflammation and cell survival in MMCs from RAGE KO mice cultured in either low or high glucose conditions using real time PCR. Gene and miRNA expression was also assessed in these cells following restoration of either membranous (full-) RAGE or soluble (ES-) RAGE. Results: Several profibrotic and proinflammatory genes were upregulated in RAGE KO compared to wild type MMCs. miR-192, miR-214/199a and miR-29 family were significantly up regulated while miR-200 family were significantly downregulated. Interestingly, the expression
of genes and microRNAs that were altered in RAGE KO MMCs compared to wild type was largely reversed by adenoviral delivery of either full or ES-RAGE. Conclusions: RAGE appears to have a homeostatic role in renal tissue by regulating the expression of profibrotic, proinflammatory learn more and cell survival genes, in part via regulating the expression of certain miRNA. As a result, treatments for patients with diabetic nephropathy which involve direct targeting of RAGE need to be carefully monitored given the important role of RAGE in innate immunity and renal homeostasis. 171 INDOLEAMINE 2,3-DIOXYGENASE (IDO)
EXPRESSION IN HUMAN PROXIMAL TUBULE EPITHELIAL CELLS (PTEC) X WANG1,2, R WILKINSON1,2,3,4, AJ KASSIANOS1,2,3, S SAMPANGI1,2,3, H HEALY1,2 1Conjoint Kidney Laboratory, selleck inhibitor Pathology Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland; 2Department of Renal Medicine, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland; 3Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland; 4Medical School, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Ribociclib chemical structure Australia Aim: To characterise the expression of IDO in human PTEC. Background: We have demonstrated that human PTEC play a role in immune-regulation within the kidney. One possible mechanism of this modulation could be the production
of the IFN-γ-inducible molecule, IDO, as this molecule is known to play a negative role on immune cell activation when expressed on stem cells and dendritic cells. Here we present a full characterisation of this molecule in human PTEC. Methods: Expression of IDO in PTEC under normal, hypoxic and inflammatory conditions was analysed using flow cytometry, Western blotting, quantitative RT-PCR, Immuno-fluorescence and immunohistochemistry. The biological activity of IDO was monitored using HPLC for tryptophan/kynurenine levels. Results: Initial results demonstrated the expression of the IFN-γ receptor on primary PTEC and this expression was down-modulated following exposure to IFN-γ. IDO gene transcription levels were detectable, but very low, in non-stimulated PTEC and these levels were significantly up-regulated in a time dependant manner following IFN-γ treatment. Normal PTEC demonstrated low constitutive expression of IDO protein which was significantly up-regulated upon exposure to hypoxic (1% O2) and inflammatory (IFN-γ treatment) conditions.