LNA modification of Lazertinib nmr oligonucleotides reduces flexibility and results in more stable duplex structures [8]. The integration of 2–4 LNAs with oligonucleotides increases their binding to 16 S ribosomal
NCT-501 supplier RNA by up to 22-fold [12]. The improvement in detecting the endosymbionts of interest by LNA probes, when compared to DNA counterpart, is due to their increased thermodynamic stability and improved discrimination between perfectly matched and mismatched target nucleic acids [27]. It can be suggested that the features like higher melting temperature, better tissue penetrability and target accessibility [28] are the reasons why LNA outperforms DNA at nearly all formamide concentrations. Detection of bacteriocytes in male B. Tabaci Having concluded that LNA probes are better, GM6001 cost we then tried to unravel more information than already reported regarding the distribution of endosymbionts using these probes. It has been reported that in B. tabaci, Portiera is present exclusively in the bacteriocytes and more so, easily detectable only in adult females [21]. Even though males are considered evolutionarily dead, due to the fact that they do not transmit symbionts to the offspring, studies in other insects like carpenter ants indicate that males do inherit endosymbionts for survival during their lifetime [29]. Earlier reports about bacterial symbiont localization
have never reported any localization within males of B. tabaci[22, 25]. Since from our previous results, 60% formamide concentration for both Portiera and Arsenophonus produced high signal and low background, we considered it optimum for our investigation with LNA probes. We have detected for the first time, using LNA probes, not only Portiera but Arsenophonus signals as well, within the bacteriocytes of adult males (Figure 7). These endosymbionts, however,
could not be detected when we used DNA oligonucleotide probes for staining. Figure 7 FISH staining of bacteriocyte in Bemisia tabaci male. The LNA probe details remain similar to those described in Figure 1 and 4. (A.b &A.c) LNA probe stains Portiera and Arsenophonus in the bacteriocytes of adult male; Arrows in yellow indicate the before bacteriocytes. The panel also shows merged and DIC images (as A.a and A.d respectively). Conclusion Further studies using LNA probes for whole mount FISH can give us a better idea about the spread of endosymbionts and the various niches occupied by them within a tissue sample. In B. tabaci the use of LNA probes for detection of other endosymbionts will provide better understanding about the fly. Use of LNA can also be extended to the level of visualizing the existing interaction between the virus and the endosymbionts. Acknowledgements We are grateful to NAIP, Indian Council for Agricultural Research, Govt. of India for financing this work.