Data were obtained from the website of the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS)1 of the Ministry of Health. The categorization used was based on the International Classification of Diseases,5
ninth and tenth revisions, ICD-9 (used from 1980 to 1995) and ICD-10 (used from 1996 to 2010), as they were the classifications used during CH5424802 research buy the studied period. The study considered deaths from leukemia those classified by codes 204 (lymphocytic leukemia), 205 (myeloid leukemia), 206 (monocytic leukemia), 207 (other specified leukemias), 208 (leukemia of unspecified cell type) in ICD-9. Then, the codes 206, 207, 208 were grouped in a single stratum called “other types of leukemias.” In the years after 1995, the ICD-10 was used with the codes C91 (lymphoid leukemia), C92 (myeloid leukemia), C93 (monocytic leukemia), C94 (other leukemias Talazoparib of specific cell type), C95 (leukemia of unspecified cell type), grouping codes C93, C94, C95 in a single stratum called “other types of leukemia.
Patients were categorized into age groups with a range of 4 years, as recommended by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Therefore the following age groups were used: 0-4; 5-9; 10-14; and 15-19 years.6 The first three groups correspond to children; the last, to adolescents. The female and male genders were analyzed together and separately. Mortality rates from leukemia per million children and adolescents per year in Brazil were calculated. The following formula was used to calculate this coefficient in the selected period: number of deaths from leukemia by age group, divided by the population of children and adolescents, multiplied by 1,000,000. The specific mortality rate for each gender and leukemia subgroup was also calculated separately. The direct standardization method was used so that the
mortality rate would not be influenced by the age structure of the population, allowing for the comparison with other populations.7 The standard population buy Paclitaxel used in this study was that proposed by Segie, modified by Doll.8 On standardization by age group and gender, it was considered that age structures are the same for men and women. Thus, the same standard population was used for calculation of the total coefficients and by gender.9 Regression adjustments were performed. The adjusted models were semi-log and linear defined as: Semi-log: In Yt = β1 + β2t + ɛt Linear: Yt = β1 + β2t + ɛt In which the dependent variables are In Yt and Yt, the independent (or regressor) variable is time t, which assumes values 1,2,3… 31. β1 represents the intercept, β2 angular coefficient, and ɛt represents the random error. This method is widely used and recommended by the IARC.