Because natural sounds do not cover the entire audible frequency

Because natural sounds do not cover the entire audible frequency range evenly, such an arrangement might make it possible to match contrast adaptation to the challenges posed by each particular acoustic environment. Although the gain change we observe is strong, it does not completely compensate for changes in stimulus contrast: even at high mean stimulus levels (where contrast gain control is most effective and independent of sound level), an approximately 3-fold reduction in spectrotemporal contrast yields only an ∼2-fold see more increase in gain. Thus, gain control

does not result in contrast invariance. Indeed, previous studies (Barbour and Wang, 2003 and Escabí et al., 2003) have found that some auditory neurons are contrast tuned, firing more in response to some

contrasts than others. Such a result would be incompatible with contrast invariance, but is compatible with the incomplete contrast compensation observed here. Taken together, these results suggest that auditory cortex uses both a division-of-labor strategy and adaptive gain control. Gain control reduces the range of stimulus values that must be separately encoded; within the remaining narrow range, a division-of-labor strategy may be used. Birinapant The incompleteness of gain control also suggests that there is a preferred range of stimulus contrasts for which neural coding is optimal; outside this range, gain control will fail to adjust gain enough Vasopressin Receptor to bring the stimuli into the neurons’ dynamic range. It is possible that this preferred distribution is defined by the ensemble of

natural sounds (Attneave, 1954, Barlow, 1961, Schwartz and Simoncelli, 2001 and Lewicki, 2002). It does not appear that gain normalization operates with equal measure from neuron to neuron. Not only does the strength of the effect differ across neurons, but only a subset continues to increase their gain as stimulus contrast is reduced to ever smaller levels (Figure S3H). This implies that different cortical neurons will be optimal encoders of different spectrotemporal level distributions. Similar diversity in adaptive properties has also been found in awake marmoset cortex, where subclasses of cells either adapt to the mean sound level of a stimulus or maintain a fixed preference for a particular intensity range (Watkins and Barbour, 2008). Just as such cells retain the ability to detect soft sounds in a loud environment, a variation in the degree of gain normalization between neurons may help retain the ability to detect small changes in high-contrast environments. These are particularly important tasks in audition, where superimposed sound sources need to be detected and dissected. Finally, given the strength of gain normalization observed in this study, we predict that including gain control will prove to be a generally important factor in improving the predictive power of STRF models of auditory processing. However, the implementation details may prove crucial.

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