Assessment of the physical work LGX818 in vivo ability is a common practice in disability claim procedures. It is, however, a complex task, and IPs cannot rely on many instruments to support them in that task. Several studies indicate the weak relation between pathoanatomic findings and functional capacity (Tait et al. 2006; Vasudevan 1996). One instrument that might help IPs to assess the physical work ability of claimants with MSD is functional capacity evaluation (FCE). This approach makes use of highly structured,
scientifically developed, individualized work simulators, designed to provide a profile of an individual’s work-related HSP inhibition physical and functional capabilities (Lyth 2001). According to Harten (1998), FCE offers a comprehensive, objective test that measures the individual’s current functional status and ability to meet the see more physical demands of a current or prospective job. In particular, FCE provides information on physical work ability, being especially important in the assessment of disability in claimants
with MSD and pain syndromes (Vasudevan 1996). The information of an FCE assessment can be used for several purposes, among which making disability determinations (King et al. 1998). Innes and Straker (1999a, b) reported the level of reliability and validity of several FCE methods and concluded that both for reliability as for validity adequate levels were lacking. However, in an update Innes (2006) concluded that since 1997 there had been a dramatic increase in the research in
this field, with several FCEs showing moderate Flavopiridol (Alvocidib) to excellent levels of reliability. FCE information offers a view on the ability to perform physical activities, which is an important part of the full work ability, especially in patients with MSDs. In a previous study, we found that IPs who assess claimants with long-term disability have mixed opinions on the utility of FCE (Wind et al. 2006). In fact, it appeared that only few physicians were familiar with FCE. Therefore, the topic of this study is whether FCE information can be of assistance to IPs in the assessment of the physical work ability of claimants, irrespective of their previous familiarity with the instrument. This is a first step in the process of possibly introducing FCE in the process of assessing disability claims of claimants with MSDs.