Although EUS-guided pancreatic drainage is a minimally invasive alternative option to surgery and interventional radiology, owing to its complexity and potential for fulminant complications, it is recommended that these procedures be performed by highly skilled endoscopists. Additional data are needed to define risks and long-term outcomes more accurately via a dedicated prospective registry. Shyam Varadarajulu, 3-MA cell line Surinder S. Rana, and Deepak K.
Bhasin Pancreatitis, whether acute or chronic, can lead to a plethora of complications, such as fluid collections, pseudocysts, fistulas, and necrosis, all of which are secondary to leakage of secretions from the pancreatic ductal system. AC220 Partial and side branch duct disruptions can be managed successfully by transpapillary pancreatic duct stent placement, whereas
patients with disconnected pancreatic duct syndrome require more complex endoscopic interventions or multidisciplinary care for optimal treatment outcomes. This review discusses the current status of endoscopic management of pancreatic duct leaks and emerging concepts for the treatment of disconnected pancreatic duct syndrome. Sung-Hoon Moon and Myung-Hwan Kim This review addresses the role of endoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) and provides a diagnostic process for patients with suspected AIP. When should AIP be suspected? When can it be diagnosed without endoscopic examination? Which endoscopic approaches are appropriate in suspected AIP, and when? What are the roles of diagnostic endoscopic retrograde pancreatography, endoscopic biopsies, and IgG4 immunostaining? What is the proper use of the
steroid trial in the diagnosis of AIP in patients with indeterminate computed tomography imaging? Should biliary stenting be performed in patients with AIP with obstructive jaundice? Reem Z. Sharaiha, Jessica Widmer, and Michel Kahaleh Pancreatic stenting Liothyronine Sodium for patients with obstructive pain secondary to a malignant pancreatic duct stricture is safe and effective, and should be considered a therapeutic option. Although pancreatic stenting does not seem to be effective for patients with chronic pain, it may be beneficial in those with obstructive type pains, pancreatic duct disruption, or smoldering pancreatitis. Fully covered metal stents may be an option, but data on their use are limited. Further studies, including prospective randomized studies comparing plastic and metal stents in these indications, are needed to further validate and confirm these results. Index 925 “
“Charles J. Lightdale Norio Fukami Chang Beom Ryu Endoscopic resection is now considered a curative procedure for early gastric cancer. In Japan, it has increasingly replaced surgical resection for this indication, although in the West it has not been universally accepted as a first-line treatment.