All authors have read and approved the final manuscript”
“Background Rhizobium-legume symbiosis represents the most important nitrogen-fixing mechanism, which may have the potential to increase nitrogen input in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. However, biotic (i.e., pests or Selleck Saracatinib diseases), and abiotic (i.e., salinity, drought, high temperature or heavy metals) constraints limit legume crop production in arid and semi-arid lands, which are often located in developing countries [1].
Both drought and salinity impose osmotic stress, as a result of large concentrations of either salt or non-ionic solutes in the surrounding medium, with the resulting deficit of water [2]. The Rhizobium-legume symbiosis is highly sensitive to osmotic stress. Therefore strategies to improve the symbiosis efficiency and legume production under this constraint should target both symbiotic Lenvatinib clinical trial Q-VD-Oph clinical trial partners, together with appropriate crop and soil management [1]. Rhizospheric
rhizobia are subjected to frequent fluctuations in the osmolarity of their environment due to the succession of drought and rain periods, the exclusion of salts like NaCl from root tissues, the release of plant exudates, or the production of exopolymers by plant roots and rhizobacteria. In addition, rhizobia must also adapt to the osmotic situation during the infection process and in a nodule exchanging nutrients with the host plant [3]. Therefore, besides symbiotic efficiency, osmotolerance may constitute a competitive trait for either native or inoculant rhizobia, in order to persist in
drought/salt-affected soils, and/or after the process of seed coat-mediated desiccation, and maybe to improve the colonization and/or infection process. One of the main mechanisms of bacterial adaptation to hyperosmotic conditions is the intracytoplasmic accumulation of low molecular-weight organic osmolytes [2, 4]. These molecules are termed compatible solutes because they do not interact Adenosine triphosphate with macromolecules in detrimental ways [5]. Compatible solutes are accumulated either by uptake from the environment (exogenous compatible solutes or osmoprotectants) or by de novo biosynthesis (endogenous compatible solutes). The diversity of compatible solutes is large but falls into a few major chemical categories, such as sugars (i.e., sucrose, trehalose), polyols (i.e,, sorbitol, mannitol), amino acids and derivatives (i.e. proline, glutamate, glutamine), betaines and ectoines [4]. It is very common for microorganisms to use a cocktail of compatible solutes, a strategy that allows the cell to adapt the compatible solute pool to different environmental injuries. Indeed, the role of compatible solutes goes beyond osmotic adjustment alone, to protection of cells and cell components from freezing, desiccation, high temperature and oxygen radicals [4, 6, 7].