Addition of dual taxon capability to the Gene Ontology The standard Gene Ontology annotation file has 15 fields to capture multiple types of information about the gene product being annotated [15, 16]. Amongst these is one to capture the NCBI taxon id of the organism encoding the gene product. However, when annotating genes involved in interactions with other organisms,
it is important AZD1390 to know not only the identity of the species from which the gene comes, but also the identity of the other organism that is involved in the interaction to which this gene product contributes. Capturing this information is especially important because
the same microbial gene product can sometimes have one type of effect in one host species yet a different one in a different host (e.g. LXH254 nmr inducing vs. suppressing host programmed cell death (PCD)). Therefore, the specifications for the taxon field were modified to meet the microbe-host interaction community’s need to capture the taxa of both organisms involved in a host-find more microbe interaction. Accordingly, the field now can accommodate two taxon ids, the first representing the organism encoding the gene product, and the second representing the organism with which the annotated organism is interacting. In cases where an effector
protein secreted Inositol oxygenase by a microbe triggers the hypersensitive response (HR) in a particular plant host, annotation of the microbial gene encoding the effector with GO term “”GO:0034055 positive regulation by symbiont of host defense-related programmed cell death”" would be accompanied by the taxon ids of both the microbe and the plant host. If the effector were shown to trigger the HR in two plant hosts, for example both Arabidopsis and soybean, there would be two separate annotations containing identical information except for the second taxon in the Dual Taxon field. Further discussion of PCD [17] and/or the dual taxon feature in GO [13, 14] can be found in other articles in this supplement. Status of term development There are currently over 700 GO terms that have resulted from the PAMGO effort. These include a set of very general terms describing the key processes involved in host-microbe interactions, including “”adhesion to host”", “”acquisition of nutrients from host”" (discussed in detail in this supplement by Chibucos and Tyler [18]) and “”manipulation of host defenses”". Also available are numerous child terms (i.e. sub-terms) that describe more specific processes.