Or do they? In this paper, I argue that in fact many of us mistak

Or do they? In this paper, I argue that in fact many of us mistake landscapes altered by humans in the past for wilderness that has never experienced substantial human influences, and that this misperception hampers our ability to understand the intensity and extent of human manipulation of Earth surfaces. By more fully comprehending the global implications of human manipulations during the Anthropocene,

we can more effectively design management to protect and restore desired landscape and ecosystem qualities. This is a perspective paper rather than a presentation of new research results. I write from the perspective of a geomorphologist, but much of what I describe below applies to anyone who studies the critical zone – Earth’s near-surface layer from the tops of the trees down to the deepest check details groundwater – and who wishes to use knowledge of critical zone processes and history to manage landscapes

and ecosystems. I use landscape to refer to the physical configuration of the surface and near-surface – topographic relief, arrangement of river networks, and so forth – and the fluxes that maintain physical configuration. I use ecosystem to refer to the biotic and non-biotic components and processes of a region. In practice, the two entities are closely intertwined because the landscape creates habitat and resources for the biota and biotic activities shape the landscape. I distinguish the two entities only because the time scales over which each changes can differ and the changes may not be synchronous. The either title of this paper alludes to the small molecule library screening now well-known paper, “Stationarity is dead: whither water management?” (Milly et al., 2008). I use the phrase “wilderness is dead” because I interpret wilderness in the strictest sense, as a region that people have never influenced. Given warming climate and rapidly melting glaciers and sea ice, even the most sparsely populated polar regions no longer qualify as wilderness under this interpretation.

Just as stationarity in hydrologic parameters has ceased to exist in an era of changing climate and land use, so has wilderness. I use this realization to explore the implications of the loss of wilderness for critical zone studies and management from the perspective of a geomorphologist. I start by briefly reviewing the evidence for extensive human alteration of the critical zone. I explore the implications for geomorphology of a long history of widespread human alteration of the critical zone in the context of three factors of interest to geomorphologists (historical range of variability, fluxes of matter and energy, and integrity and sustainability of critical zone environments). I then explore how concepts of connectivity, inequality, and thresholds can be used to characterize critical zone integrity and sustainability in specific settings.

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