, 2004). The electrical conductivity parameter was included recently in the new international standards for honey by Codex Alimentarius in 2001 and European Commission in 2002 (Bogdanov et al., 2004). It was introduced for differentiation
between honeydew and blossom honey. The electrical conductivity of mixed blossom-honeydew honeys lies between 0.5 and 0.8 mS/cm. While the values of pure blossom honeys are below 0.5 mS/cm with many exceptions (Bogdanov & Gfeller, 2006). Etzold and Lichtenberg-Kraag (2008) showed be possible to distinguish between honeydew and blossom honey mixed with honeydew combining electrical conductivity data and FTIR. Selleck Natural Product Library All honeys are acidic due to the presence of organic acids that contribute to honey flavor and stability against microbial spoilage. Generally, the pH-value lying between 3.5 and 5.5. According to Sanz, Gonzalez, Lorenzo, Sanz, and Martínez-Castro (2005) and Krauze and Zelewski (1991) free acidity, total acidity and pH have presented some classification power for the discrimination between unifloral honeys. Honey is 100% natural and nothing should be extracted or added to it. In some cases it is contaminated by the addition of sugar and the search for competitively priced products sometimes drives certain importers to acquire falsified honey. Moreover, some type of honeys can demand a higher price than other ones, and in order to prevent fraudulent labeling, a means of differentiating between
honeys from different kinds must be developed (Devillers, Morlot, Pharm-Delegue, & Doré, 2004). Nowadays, most of the analytical techniques intensively used involve some kind of sample pre-treatment. Moreover, the choice of methods and protocols Forskolin clinical trial often depends on the type of compound under investigation, making the overall characterization process laborious, time consuming and not completely reproducible. The advantages of the NMR technique with respect to other analytical methods are the non-invasive approach, the relatively easy and quick data acquisition (Caligiani, Acquotti, Palla,
& Bocchi, 2007) and the possibility to provide information on a wide range of metabolites in a single experiment (Lolli, Bertelli, Plessi, Sabatini, & Restani, 2008). Finally, the sample preparation is almost negligible. this website NMR is a powerful technique used to obtain structural information (Blau et al., 2008 and Valente et al., 2008), and therefore it can help to understand the structure of components in complex systems such as food (Cazor, Deborde, Moing, Rolin, & This, 2006). The 1H NMR spectroscopy can also be considered a fingerprinting technique (Bertram et al., 2005). The richness of information, however, makes the spectra too complex to be analyzed or compared by eye. Multivariate analysis is therefore applied directly to the spectral data to extract the useful information. Several papers have been demonstrating the high efficiency these methods coupled to spectroscopy to classify honey samples or to detect some adulteration.